Let’s Get Physical!
After several years where the digital realm dominated our programming, we’re now focusing back on the physical – really physical!
The human body as a vehicle for sharing stories is a recurring theme this year and so are the body’s connections to our past and future. Enjoy our many events programmed throughout the month of May and beyond in celebration of our 15th anniversary!
Happy May Day! Workers of the World Unite!
Where are we? Mi’kma’ki!
2023 Program
April 30 – June 6
Scratch the Surface
A Working Class Heritage Tour
A new guided tour examining the industrial labour history of downtown Kjipuktuk/Halifax.
I See You
By Lara Lewis
Set in a life drawing class, this performance art piece examines the relationship between artist and muse, subject and object, audience and creator.
Djata: Conversations of the Manden
Presented with Prismatic Arts Festival in association with Live Art Dance and Kinetic
The 13th century tale of Soundjata Keita has been carried through time by the lyrical griots. It is recounted here in rythm and movement by Aly Keita.
By Reequal Smith
Presented with Prismatic Arts Festival in association with Live Art Dance and Kinetic Studios
A deep rooted nostalgia of home in every crevice of being manifested by the full existence of body to land. Land connecting to my soles of souls.
In The Dumps
By Shauntay Grant
Presented with Zuppa and Climate Change and Other Small Talk
In the wake of the Africville apology, a father enlists his eleven-year-old son in an act of illegal dumping to challenge decades of environmental racism in their rural Black Nova Scotian community.
Being Present
A Spotlight on Martins MAdumere
Presented with the Animation Festival of Halifax
In this artist spotlight, we will see Martins’s animated short films; we will hear about his journey as a self-taught animator and his cultural experiences in his native Nigeria and current home of PEI.
Folding Together
By the sense archive
Presented with Eyelevel Artist-Run Centre
Artists will guide participants through a simple score of folding and unfolding together. During this score you are invited to share stories, memories, and anecdotes about motherhood/mothering in relationship to loss and/or potential.
A More Radiant Sphere
By Sara Wylie
Presented with Carbon Arc Cinema
A new poetic 16mm documentary. Searching through library archives, family records, and footage from the early decades of the Canadian settler state, Wylie assembles the story of Wallace the poet and revolutionary. Followed by a filmmaker Q&A moderated by MLA Gary Burrill.
The Movements
By Zuppa
Presented with STAGES Theatre Festival
The Movements is a high-octane theatre/dance spectacular and the economics class you never had in school. It’s a show about the global economy in the form of a 90-minute workout routine.
This Body of Work
By the sense archive
Presented with Eyelevel Artist-Run Centre and the Saint Mary’s University Art Gallery
This Body of Work explores critical feminist performance(s) of motherhood and maternal agency through lived bodily/cellular experiences.
Plus BGM Live Album Vinyl & New Social Justice Trading Cards!