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**Please include details about card series or shirt sizes.**
Payment can be made by e-transfer to info@MayworksKjipuktukHFX.ca
Pick UP / Shipping
Merchandise items are available at any of our EVENTS.
Shipping available on request with an additional $5 charge for cards (up to 10 packs), or $10 for other items.
Social Justice Trading Cards
Take a dive in social justice history with these locally designed trading cards. Each card in our four available series of 10 cards features an individual or event that has helped shaped our society for the better. Team up with your friends to collect them all.
$5 per package / $10 for three packages
Each packages includes 6 randomly selected cards – bubble gum also included!
**Please specify card series in your order.**

Editors: Sébastien Labelle, Jake Paninc & Lara Lewis
Design: Skerrcraft
- Aquakultre
- Zachary Gough
- Sherry Pictou
- DaPoPo Theatre
- The Bus Stop Theatre Co-op
- Colleen MacIsaac
- In My Own Voice (iMOVe)
- Raven Davis
- Liliona Quarmyne
- Shelley Fashan
- Beehive Design Collective
- Animation Festival of Halifax
- Zuppa
- Puppets Et Cetera!
- Canadian Labour International Film Festival
Bleeding Gums Murphy Live Album
Exclusive Vinyl Album

Cost: $25
Canadian Hip-Hop mainstay, Producer, Engineer and DJ, Uncle Fester teams up with Halifax’s most important new voice of any musical genre, Aquakultre. Together they produced an album that spans generations, vibes and styles to bring a timeless feel and a piece of art close to their hearts. Part tribute to those that paved the way before them, part reflection of Aquakultre’s personal journey as a human and artist. Bleeding Gums Murphy is a testament to love, struggle, perseverance and community. Together, they blend Hip-Hop, Jazz, Soul and Rhythm and Blues to bring you a live recording from The Derby in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Arranged by Erin Costelo & Composed by Shaun Ryan. Accompanied By: Andrew Jackson, Matt Myer, Jackson Fairfax-Perry, Jeremy Costello, Ross Burns, Tim Crofts, Lakita Wiggins, Rachael Delano, Donny Milwaukee. Special Guests: Chudi Harris, Ghettosocks, Shevy Price, Ambition, and Taichichi. Sound Technician: Tynan Dunfield. Album Mixed by Tynan Dunfield & Shaun Ryan at Satellite Studios, Produced by Shaun Ryan & Lance Sampson. Executively produced by Mayworks Kjipuktuk Halifax with support from the Halifax-Dartmouth & District Labour Council, Nova Scotia Federation of Labour, and NSGEU. Funding by Canada Council for the Arts, Canadian Heritage, province of Nova Scotia and the city of Halifax.
Tote Bags
$10 Each – Union Made
Union made by Universal Promotions (USW Local 7625)
Design by Classic Graphic Co.

$15 Each – Union Made
Union made by Universal Promotions (USW Local 7625)
Navy blue with orange logo on left breast
Unisex cut sizes S to XXXL available